
Kerala Ayurveda Beauty Tips for Hair, Face, Feet and Eyes

Kerala Ayurveda Beauty Tips for Hair, Face, Feet and Eyes

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of health and longevity, teaches us that true beauty can be achieved when you undertake your daily health and hygiene routines with the knowledge that you are a unique manifestation of Life’s vital energy. In Kerala, a state in South west India, Ayurveda has been a way of life for almost 5000 years, and the legendary families of Ayurvedic physicians from this tropical paradise offer you a regimen designed especially to support the health of your feet, eyes, hair and face. In addition they also teach you simple ways by which you can ensure that you glow from head to toe.

Ayurveda for Your Feet and Eyes:
The ancient Ayurvedic text, the Ashtanga Hridaya, identifies four major nerves in the feet that connect to the eyes. Therefore, a foot massage is an ideal way not only to relax but also to relieve eye strain. The first step is to fill a foot tub with cool water and mix in a tablespoon of honey and a handful each of dried lavender and fresh rose petals. This footbath is excellent to soothe the mind. Or you can fill a foot tub with lukewarm water and add 1 teaspoon of ginger powder. This will invigorate the body and increase circulation. For tired and swollen feet, fill a foot tub with very warm water and add 3 tablespoons of Epsom salt for 5 litres of water. Once you have decided on the foot bath that you need, submerge your feet, relax for 10 minutes, then remove your feet and pat them dry. Next, give yourself a foot massage, using sesame, olive, or coconut oil. Apply the oil generously throughout your massage. Finally, rinse your feet with warm water, dry thoroughly, and slip them into clean cotton socks, Well-massaged feet connect more completely with the earth when you stand or sit with your feet on the ground, giving your whole being a more stable and relaxed foundation- and well oiled feet are protected from cracking and peeling, thus reducing the chances for fungal and bacterial infections. 

Bathing the eye makes your eyes sparkle and can also help rejuvenate tiny muscles that have been taxed by hours of computer use or driving. The Ayurvedic herbal powder, Triphala is excellent for bathing your eyes. It is made up of the amalaki, haritaki, and bibhitaki fruits and is a blood purifier as well as a whole-body rejuvenator. Triphala also has properties that support the ophthalmic nerves and eye muscles. Prepare the Triphala infusion by boiling 1 teaspoon of Triphala powder in 1 cup of water for about 10 minutes. Allow the mixture to cool completely, strain thoroughly, and using a cupped palm, bathe each open eye with cool Triphala water 3 times. Rinse the face with pure water, and pat dry. Next, close your eyes and cover them with rose petals, cucumber slices, or cilantro leaves. Place a cotton pad over each eye and tie a band of muslin cotton or a bandana around the eyes to create a loose blindfold. Finally after 10 minutes, remove the blindfold and apply a the dark eyeliner known as kajal that has been prepared according to Ayurvedic formulations. Kajal reduces glare in bright light, sharpens the vision, and encourages the growth and darkness of eyelashes

Ayurveda for your Hair and Face
For thousands of years, Indian women- especially those from Kerala, have kept their tresses lovely with sumptuous scalp oils made from coconuts, herbs, flowers, and spices You can use plain coconut or sesame oil that has been enriched with Ayurvedic botanicals like brahmi and bhringraj, You should massage the warm oil into your scalp, working downward and outward with your fingertips from the crown of your head. These herbal oils promote thick, lustrous, healthy hair and also ward off colds and flu. They relieve headaches, keep you cool in hot weather, and repair frayed nerves too. To finish, shampoo with a mild, cleanser, towel gently and then let your hair finish drying naturally.

For a glowing complexion, give yourself a wonderfully uncomplicated flaxseed facial. Grind flaxseeds in a coffee grinder, or buy a pre-ground meal. The concentrated essential fatty acids in flaxseed moisturize and protect the skin while the texture of the hulls stimulates circulation; cleans away dirt, sweat, and excess oils- and sloughs away dead skin cells. To increase the healing benefits complete your facial with a nourishing turmeric-yogurt mask made with 2 tablespoons plain yogurt mixed with 1/3 teaspoon honey and a pinch of turmeric powder. Rinse with cool water and pat dry with clean hands to seal in the good effects of your facial into your skin. So, be as healthy and beautiful as you were meant to be- Ayurveda can make it happen.

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ముఖం మెరుపుకు ఆయుర్వేద చిట్కాలు 

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How to weight gain fast at home Body Weight increase tips

How to weight Gain

 How to weight gain fast at home Body Weight increase tips:

Combining a high calorie intake with heavy strength training are the two most important factors. That being said, there are several more things you can do to gain weight even faster.

How to weight Gain: tips to gain weight:
  1. Don’t drink water before meals. This can fill your stomach and make it harder to get in enough calories.
  2. Eat more often. Squeeze in an additional meal or snack whenever you can, such as before bed.
  3. Drink milk. Drinking whole milk to quench thirst is a simple way to get in more high-quality protein and calories.
  4. Try weight gainer shakes. If you are really struggling then you can try weight gainer shakes. These are very high in protein, carbs and calories.
  5. Use bigger plates. Definitely use large plates if you are trying to get in more calories, as smaller plates cause people to automatically eat less.
  6. Add cream to your coffee. This is a simple way to add in more calories.
  7. Take creatine. The muscle building supplement creatine monohydrate can help you gain a few pounds in muscle weight.
  8. Get quality sleep. Sleeping properly is very important for muscle growth.
  9. Eat your protein first and vegetables last. If you have a mix of foods on your plate, eat the calorie-dense and protein-rich foods first. Eat the vegetables last.
  10. Don’t smoke. Smokers tend to weigh less than non-smokers, and quitting smoking often leads to weight gain.
  11. There are several other things you can do to gain weight even faster. These include drinking milk, using weight gainer shakes, adding cream to your coffee and eating more often.

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Sugar patient food list - Diabetes diet menu - Diabetes food list

Sugar patient food list / Diabetes diet menu / Diabetes food list

Eat more:
  • Healthy fats from raw nuts, olive oil, fish oils, flax seeds, whole milk dairy, or avocados
  • Fruits and vegetables—ideally fresh, the more colorful the better; whole fruit rather than juices
  • High-fiber cereals and breads made from whole grains or legumes
  • Fish and shellfish, organic, free-range chicken or turkey
  • High-quality protein such as eggs, beans, milk, cheese, and unsweetened yogurt

Eat less:
  • Trans fats from partially hydrogenated or deep-fried foods
  • Packaged and fast foods, especially those high in sugar, baked goods, sweets, chips, desserts
  • White bread, sugary cereals, refined pastas or rice
  • Processed meat and red meat from animals fed with antibiotics, growth hormones, and GMO feed
  • Low-fat products that have replaced fat with added sugar, such as fat-free yogurt

Diabetes is a kind of disease which can be controlled considerably by healthy lifestyle and proper corrections in dietary regimen. Eating the right kind of food along with the weight loss is vital if one is trying to control diabetes. Diabetic patients should follow simple healthy diet plan which should be high in nutrient content, low in fat and moderate in calories. Here are mentioned some foods which have proved to help in controlling diabetes. Food suggested for diabetic patients are as follows:

Beans are highly recommended to diabetic patients as they are high in fibre content and low in fat. They can be added in salads or soups as they are good source of calcium and minerals.

Low fat version of dairy products like milk, cottage cheese and yoghurt should be included in the daily diet plan of diabetic patients as they are good source of calcium and Vitamin D. Replace soda or sugary juices with milk to be taken along with meals and eat cheese and yoghurt as hunger relieving snacks.

Berries are God’s gift to diabetic patients. They are full of fibre and antioxidants like polyphenols which is a boon to diabetic patients. They can be taken in any form like with oatmeal, ice cream or in a salad.

Green Leafy vegetables
Green leafy vegetables should be an essential part of the diet of diabetic patients. Turnip, lettuce and mustard are great sources of fibre and calcium. They are also very good for the heart.

It should be essential part of the patient’s diet especially in breakfast. Although it is a carbohydrate, it is high in fibre and is slower to digest. It helps a lot in maintaining a healthy blood sugar level throughout the morning if taken as a breakfast. It is also beneficial for weight loss.

Recent studies have shown that cinnamon have insulin like effects and help to reduce the blood sugar level. It should be included in moderate quantity as a spice in daily diet.

Good Vs Bad Food for Diabetes

Good: Barley Grass, Kale Salad, Green Juice, Raw Zucchini, Guacamole, Avocado Sprouts Salad, Almonds, Oatmeals, Egg White, Non Fat Yogurt, Fish, Non Starchy Vegetables

Bad: Pancakes, Soda, French Sode, Bacon, Canned Fruit, Milk, Fast Food, Ketchup, Potato Chips Foods to Fight Diabetes – Tomatoes, Green Tea, Spinach, Broccoli, Berries, Jamun, Karela, Apples, Barley, Carrots, Flaxseeds (Alsi)

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Beauty Tips

Ayurvedic Tips